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Screendance Spring / Mes del Cine de danza



Enjoy some of the films that are already published online!

¡Disfruta de algunos de los cortos que se ya se han publicado en la red!

NIGRA (Dance Short Film)

NIGRA (Dance Short Film) // PrePremiere (Short Cut): Festes de la Serra 2016 WORLD PREMIERE: Festa del Vi Novell 2016 (20/11/16) Official Selection Muestra Internacional de Videodanza Mujer Siembra (Argentina) Finalist Rollout Dance Film Festival (Macao) Finalist Utah Dance Film Festival 2017 Official selection [C]Screen Festival 2017 Finalist Dolhar Festival Itinerante de Dança e Vídeo 2017 (Brasil) Official selection IVAHM 2017 Official selection FºDA - Festival Ornitorrinco de Dança Audiovisual (Brazil) Official selection MIV- Mostra Internacional de Videodança 2017 (dança em foco – Festival Internacional de Vídeo & Dança 2017) Official Selection Muestra Movimiento Audiovisual 2017 Official Selection Festival Internacional VideoDanzaBA 2017 Official Selection Dance Cinema FROSTBITE International Film Festival El Danseu Festival 2017 (live performance + dance film) Official Selection Red Finch Film Festival 2017 Finalist Muestra Concurso internacional de VideoDanza. VIDEOMOVIMIENTO 2017 (Colombia) Official selection 11a. MIVSC (Mostra Internacional de Videodança de São Carlos) Official selection Cuerpo Digital 2017 Bronx World Film INC - Spanish Film Cycle - ¡España Hoy! Guiar - Festival Internacional de Screendance 2018 Selección Oficial Cuadro por Danza 2018 Bronx World Film INC - Spanish Film Cycle - ¡España Hoy! - 2019 - Especial retrospectiva Ella ha callat molt. Com a conseqüència del seu silenci ha oblidat moltes coses, i avui, sense voler-ho, obre la porta del bagul dels seus records per adonar-se que el futur és fruit del que cultivem en passat i present. --------- Ella ha callado mucho. Como consecuencia de su silencio ha olvidado muchas cosas, y hoy, sin quererlo, abre la puerta del baúl de sus recuerdos para darse cuenta de que el futuro es fruto de lo que cultivamos en pasado y presente. --------- She has been in silence for a long time. As a result of not talking about what has happened, she has forgotten so many things, and today, without looking for it, she opens the door of her memories to realize that future is the result of what we make grown in past and present. NIGRA - A Dance short film directed by Marta Arjona Choreography - Mei Casabona Interpretation - Mei Casabona & Saüc Bonet FlyCam Operator - Alberto Pérez-Mora SliderCam Operator - Marta Arjona Edition - Marta Arjona & Alberto Pérez-Mora Music: Following a Bird - Ezio Bosso Ljósið - Ólafur Arnalds Nobody Else - Low Roar Optimist - Zoe Keating Special thanks: Portell Vins i Caves (Location) Pau Bonet, Enriqueta Tuset, Rosa Maria Trenchs Joan Arjona, Encarna Pérez, Maite Blasco A DansPXL Production


This film is a metaphor for who we are... for where we come from... a secret held in the abyss. To read the message - through fear and prejudice, from imitation to communion, from meditation to movement. Dance to the horizon - from points of no return. The irony of our metamorphosis - in order to grow, the seed must die. actors - Mikalai Radziush, Olga Lanceray director - Timo Zhalnin | Тимофей Жалнин choreographer - Elena Kuzmina | Елена Кузьмина d.o.p. - Anna Rozhetskaya | Анна Рожецкая composer - Andrei Bundin | Андрей Бундин producers Olga Lanceray, Fedor Kan | Ольга Лансере, Фёдор Кан STORM production AWARDS: 2018 Malatesta Short Film Festival – Cesena, Italy - Special Mention Asia South East Short Film Festival - Honourable Mention 2017 Eindhovens Film Festival – The Netherlands – Golden Wings Award - Best Music Drunken Film Festival – Bradford, UK – Best Experimental Kinolikbez International Short Film Festival – Saint-Petersburg, Russia – Golden Jan Luck - Best Cine Essay SeeMor Film Festival – Anglesey, UK – Best Artistic XXIV Blue See Film Festival – Rauma, Finland – Professional Mention of honour BEAST International Film Festival – Porto, Portugal – Jury Mention Festival International Videodanza BA – Buenos Aires, Argentine - Jury Mention 2016 10th Videomovimiento Dance Film Festival - Bogota, Columbia - Grand Prix
Katia Coser.jpg

For this year we will have:


Marta Kosieradzka

Choreographer and dancer


Joint creator with Eva Campos Suárez, she has been part of the jury again in distance from Warsaw.

Para este año tendremos:


Marta Kosieradzka

Coreógrafa y bailarina


Creadora conjunta a Eva Campos Suárez que nos ha hecho de jurado una vez más en distancia desde Varsovia.


Moving Southwark

Jevan Chowdhury (UK)


Epílogo de la muerte del Fauno

J. A. Andrés Lacasta (ES)



© 2015-22 PlatArtístic and Spring Dancefilm Festival

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